secrets revealed part two
unit 5
messing with metal
Metal is an interesting element to use in your work.
There are so many things you can do to it to change it.
If you bury some metals in the Earth or soak them in water it can rust over time leaving amazing discolorations.
As humans we can bend it or cut it, but we can also paint it or enamel it.
In this unit we will be enameling metal using Epoxy glue and pearl ex to make some cool marbling effects.
We will also be painting so get out your brushes and lets have some fun.
Enameling with epoxy glue

I stumbled across this technique of adding pearl ex or mica powers to epoxy glue while trying to fill holes drilled in stones.
It than accrued to me that why not use the same technique to fill in metal components to look like enamel. I really liked the effects and it was rather a simple process. Along with enameling some metal I will be sharing how I make twisted beaded fringe.
Your first assignment for unit 5 it to play with enameling some metal components, make a pendant with twisted beaded fringe.
Please watch the video below to see how it's done.

painting metal
Painting metal can give your components an extra layer of color.
Sometimes you don't want to wait a year for the metal washer you buried to get rusty. There are many paints out there today to achieve the same results.
Rangerinks.com is a great place to start they have many videos
on how to use their paints and inks.
In the video below I will show give you a few ideas. We will also be making a simple chain tassel, so gather what you need.
The second assignment for unit 5 is to paint some metal finding and make a necklace and chain tassel.
Watch the video below to get you excited.

Start with something small and simple to get your artistic juices going. In the case of this feather its best to give it a base coat of black or white. Don't be afraid you can always wash it off.

If you are painting a feather you may want to have a feather or photo of the feather to give you some ideas.

Sometimes the simplest highlights can make the whole piece pop, such as the white along the edge or the dots in the middle. A toothpick works great to add dots to you pieces.