My art flows through my fingers with the greatest of ease. Each bead sewn down, knowing exactly where to rest. Like the hollow bone of a shaman, I allow spirit or perhaps the universe to express itself through me. I can’t take credit for the results, as it is deeper than myself.
Heidi's beadwork is an expression of herself, and her feelings for Mother Earth, and the creatures upon her.
Using bead embroidery techniques, and trial and error her work has continually evolved.
Heidi started working with beads in 1975, and remembers making jewelry even as a young child.
She currently lives on 16 acres west of Boulder, Colorado with her husband Gregg, and three dogs.
Their home is totally off the grid. The sun and a back up generator is all they need to power their home.
Heidi has won numerous design awards throughout her career, you can view these below.
Heidi hopes that through her work she can share the beauty that surrounds her, and give the wearer a sense of oneness with the world, the earth, and creatures upon her.
Heidi has many video tutorials to share, so you too can learn the art of bead embroidery.
Awards & Nominations:
2019 ~ Finalist, Saul Bell Awards for, "Bear Bones". Also Master Class Teacher for Bead & Button.
2018 ~ Grand Award Bead Dreams for "Tea Party" a beaded tea pot.
2017 ~ Finalist , Finished Jewelry Bead Dreams for "She Dances with Wolves".
2016 ~ Second place, Finished Jewelry, Bead Dreams for "The Wisdom keeper".
2015 ~ Second place Ms. Maddie's Fabulous Florals Bead Dreams for "Moonshine"
2014 ~ Runner up Bead Dreams Best of show & First Place finished Jewelry for "Shamanic Path"
2013 ~ Second place finished jewelry Bead&Button Show for "Angel Armor".
2012 ~ First place jewelry Lines Into Shapes Show for "Quietude"
2012 ~ Judges Award Lines Into Shapes Show for "Free Bird"
2012 ~ First Place and Runner up Best in show Bead Dreams for "Free Bird"
2011 ~ Finalist Seed Beads Bead & Button show for "Earth Spirit".
2010 ~ First Place Seed Beads and Runner up Best of Show Bead Dreams for "Shapeshifter"
2009 ~ Second Place Bead&Button Bead Dreams for “Fortune Teller”
2008 ~ First Place Finished Jewelry Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Wolf Tracks"
~ Second Place Seed Beads Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Transformation"
~ Finalist Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "My Ancestry"
2007~ Finalist in the Bead&Button show for "Native Spirit".
2006 ~ Peoples Choice Award for "Sacred Path" at The 10th Annual Lines into Shapes,
Art Center of Estes Park
2006 ~ Finalist in the Bead&Button show for "Rabbit Tracks", "Lizard Dreams" and
"Pumpkin Bag".
2006 ~ First Place Jewelry RAGS Wearable Art Show for "Puzzled Prince".
2005 ~ Peoples Choice Award Bead&Buttons Bead Dreams Competition for "Into The Woods".
~ Second Place Finished Jewelry Bead&Buttons Bead Dreams Competition for
"Purple Haze".
~ Finalist Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Sacred Mother".
2004 ~ Finalist Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Sacred Path".
2003 ~ 1st Place Beads Saul Bell Awards Competition for "Natures Jewels".
~ 1st Place Jewelry Crested Butte Festival of the Arts.
~ Judges Choice Award Embellishments Gleaming Treasures for "Pearl Jam".
~ 3rd Place Finished Jewelry Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Forest Dance".
2002 ~ 3rd Place Finished Jewelry Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Solstice".
~ 3rd Place Seed Beads Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Natures Jewels".
~ Finalist Bead&Button Bead Dreams Competition for "Pearl Jam".
1998 ~ Peoples Choice Award Meet the Artist VIII Breckenridge Colorado.
1997 ~ 2nd Place Jewelry Gilpin County Arts Association.
~ Corporate Award Gilpin County Arts Association.